Welcome to

Our Story

At 10 years old, Jason cordially accepted an invite from his next door neighbor’s, The Browns to spend the day on Lake Ouachita island hopping, eating bologna sandwiches, and enjoying everything the lake had to offer.

For years, Jason daydreamed of this magical place that he never knew existed until that day. In fact, it wasn’t until almost 8 years later where he realized just how close this place actually was located. (pre Google Maps)

It was at that point, Jason knew where his heart was calling to be, not just for the weekends.

Over the years, Jason competed in numerous bass fishing tournaments all across the South, but his heart was in the Ouachitas, specificallt ON Ouachita. That feeling never escaped his thoughts, and his heart.

Lesli spent her youth on the opposite side of the lake tent camping with her family almost every weekend. They would play the typical camping games, cooking over an open grill, and drink from cans fetched from a properly placed cooler in the shade.

As she grew older, her heart also longed to be back in the area that started it all.

When their paths collided, Ouachita was always in the conversation, and included weekend trips. This is where they both desired to raise their family based on the experiences from their own youth.

So it began. Over the years, they would tent camp, or utilize an RV to stay at the lake where they enjoyed fishing, tubing, rockhounding, and all kinds of adventures. Bologna sandwiches were still a sample treat.

As the years progressed, their boys getting older, and Jason’s tournament schedule increased, it seemed logical to find a place and call it their own. But, with most families, that’s just a dream not easily attained. Or, is it?

In early 2019, they both agreed to start looking at real estate that not only fit their budget, but a place that they could call home. Whether it was a weekend spent on the lake, or for the tournament schedules, the thought couldn’t escape them.

Browsing endless real estate listings, talking with people, and clinging to hope, it seemed pointless. Jason held on to his dream, and stayed optimistic.

Upon viewing a listing that was titled wrong, Jason followed his gut and made contact with the owner. The next day the two of them set off on visiting the lcoation with high hopes, and fingers crossed.

When arriving, it was everything they didn’t want, and wasn’t even listed properly with correct photos. Heartbroken, they sought out comfort food and an afternoon dirt road drive. Little did they know just how the pieces were falling together, in perfect form.

Jason recounts how the drive was nothing special and how all he could think about was what had just happened. The overwhelming grief was overbearing.

It was at this very point where Lesli told Jason to STOP! And, he did. “There’s a for sale sign” she stated as her finger pointed towards a grown up area. They parked, called the number, and soon met the seller who was eager to meet them where they both exchanged memories, and stories with the lake being at the center of all the discussion.

One month later, Jason and Lesli had found the place they were looking for, and a lot more.

The renovation started out as painting just one room, that later led to a full on remodel from floor to ceiling. If you see it, their hands touched it in some way.

A childhood dream led to therapy.

In 2019, Jason and Lesli lost their oldest son in a tragic car accident leaving behind a wife and soon to be born daughter.

Jason may have dreamt of this place for his personal wants and needs from way back when, but he had no clue how this space would help them heal through the grieving process. The work kept them busy, and their minds focused. Yes, it was a much needed blessing for their entire family.

The idea of sharing this space came from Lesli, who we all know is the brains behind this operation. Jason’s just the comedic muscle.

“We should share this place with families wanting to spend time in the Ouachitas as we have”

They began this short-term rental journey with no tutorials, courses, or social media mentorship. They literally started with their knowledge of their upbringing, and family which ended their first year as AirBNB SuperHosts, and gaining a loyal following of guests.

To sum it up, their hospitality, and strict guidelines to cleanliness, and host responsiceness are second to none.

“We’re happy you’re here, reading our story and want your trip to the lake, and this area to be the best one yet.”

– Jason & Les